Welcome to the home of the Lincolnton High School Wolfpack Marching Band, Lincolnton NC, under the leadership of Josh Belvin, Music Director, Lincolnton High School, and Amber Hoyle, Music Director, Lincolnton Middle School. Check here often for the latest information regarding the Marching Band, Concert Band, Color Guard, Winter Guard, and Winter Percussion. GO WOLVES!!


The Lincolnton High School Wolf Pack Marching Band has been known as “The Band With the Bell” since 1976. During the nation’s bicentennial year, the band contacted the United States Navy for assistance with a patriotic program and received the bell from the USS Charlottesville (PF25). The bell is on loan from the Naval History and Heritage Command.
The bell has become of school trademark and is well-known throughout Lincolnton, Lincoln County and the Charlotte area. The bell, which rests on a traditional wooden carriage with large spoke wheels, travels with the band to football games, band competitions and parades. During games, it is rung following Lincolnton Wolf Pack touchdowns and during the band’s playing of the team’s popular fight song.
The bell is depicted on the side of the band’s large tractor trailer, on band members’ T-shirts and on official band mailings. In 2011, the band marked the 35th anniversary of the bell with a special fund-raising drive.
Each year, the band sends a letter and pictures to the Navy detailing the continued use of the large brass bell and its proper maintenance.
Lincolnton High School was built in 1908 and is the oldest high school in Lincoln County, North Carolina.